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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ah! What A Day!

Today, instead of blogging about what happened today in my life, I would like to talk about the recent tragedy, The Haiti Earthquake.

The Haiti Earthquake was a catastrophic magnitude 7 earthquake, one of the worst earthquakes Haiti has experienced. The aftershocks were equally destructive. Within the first 9 hours, 26 aftershocks that were recorded were of magnitude 4.2 or greater. Like other earthquakes and aftershocks, it took many lives. Even worse, it struck the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince. The Haitian government, on 24th January, gave a confirmed death toll of over 150,000 in the capital alone. Injuries were estimated to be about 250,000 and more than a million homeless, resulting in many sleeping in the streets. Many buildings collapsed, trapping even more Haitians under rubble, increasing the risk of death. There was despair about Haiti.

As soon as the earthquake struck, many countries responded and launched fund-raising efforts, as well as sending search and rescue teams. The neighboring Dominican Republic was the first country to give aid to Haiti, sending water, food and heavy-lifting machinery. Many other organizations like the American Red Cross and the Giving Children Hope put in as much effort as they could to help the Haitians.

Although with so many organization helping out, resources are still short and many Haitians fought for food and water. More were killed, but nothing could be done. Hospitals could also only contain and treat so many, therefore, does that could survive could have died from lost of blood or diseases.

If you have read this post, the pictures are horrifying and they need your support. Please donate as much as you can. Even $1 will make a big difference. Spare a hand for those who need your help. If everyone donates $1, the Haitians will be able to live better.

Information and pictures adapted from :

1:53 AM By Bert Lee
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Ah! What A Day!
Finally! A free day! No homework for once! The sensation is overwhelming! It felt good. I spent the rest of the day sleeping and doing this, but mostly sleeping.

The day started with spelling. On the previous post, I mugged for spelling as I longed for a full mark which was hard to achieve counting the fact that we had it even before we actually learnt that chapter. So, as you can see, IT IS HARD. What really got me mad was when my teacher came in and my heart was pounding, my teacher announced that the spelling was to be on FRIDAY, with the next chapter. I was mad, certainly, but at least I had a head start.

The next period was PE, and being in throwing, I was excited since we were the shotput. Everyone expected me to get a high score, like a 9m score, but my main event was not shotput, but discus. So, I told all my friends I could not throw that far. And I did not. In fact, I was beaten. But, it was not a big surprised as I said, I could not throw shotput.

After school, again, I had CCA. I maybe selected to represent my school in discus. There were only 3 places, 2 of which were already taken. It was between me and my friend. We only had until the end of February to impress our coach. I was ranked thrid in the discus event among my team mates, but throwing professionally is not easy at all, so, I am starting to worry I would not get the place, but I knew the place should be given to who ever deserves it the most.

Well, that is all for today.

Bertram signing out. PEACE.

5:37 AM By Bert Lee
Monday, January 25, 2010
Ah! What A Day!
I honestly struggled to find time to blog these few days.

Remember I previously said that Saturday was one of my most favourite days, although there are not many days to choose from, but the main reason is because of the weekly visits with my cousins, aunties and uncles. Let us get back to topic. I really wanted to enjoy the Saturday since it was the start of the 2-day break, but unfortunately, my Mum got me and my sister to do spring cleaning for the upcoming Chinese New Year. And worst of all, I still had a pile of tuition homework that was to be done by the next day. Sunday. So, as i said i STRUGGLED to find time to blog. Spring cleaning was better than expected. But, due to my natural laziness, I DREADED it. I VACUUMED the floor which should actually be SWEPT. Then, my sister and I had to throw all our old toys away, which was saddening, since I came across many good memories that I had to throw away.

Tuition that I had was on Sunday. So i had just enough time to do the homework due on time. But what really ticked me off was the fact that the composition that I was to write was never to be passed up. Turns out, no one knew how to do it, but I amazingly did it, so i thought, being the lousy one, I must have written off point. My tuition teacher was also a little funny. In the multiple choice comprehension, I scored a total of only 3 out of a total of 10, reason for scoring so low was the COMPREHENSION WAS OUTRAGEOUSLY HARD. But,you live and you learn. After tuition, I would usually do down stairs with my friends to play either basketball or soccer. But apparently, the friend who had the soccer ball was not at home. So, I spent the next hour playing the play station of my friend.

Although tuition homework was over, at least for that week, I still had school homework, which was also in a huge pile. I had CCA today. And when I have CCA, I reach home at 7 earliest. Come home, bathe, eat dinner and it is already 8.30p.m. The latest i can sleep is 11p.m. So, having to do math, a Chinese spelling that has not been taught yet, this, and, well that is all I can think of.

Well, that is enough for today.

Bertram signing out, PEACE.

5:26 AM By Bert Lee
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wow. It has been a long time and i mean LONG time since i attended a wedding dinner. It all happened yesterday. It was my Mum's cousin's daughter's wedding dinner. Well, to put it simply, she is considered my cousin. I had to skip training in order to be able to attend the wedding dinner. I came home, thinking that I was supposed to be prepared already, but it turns out that it starts at 7.30p.m. How foolish of me. I spent the next 3 hours wearing that outfit.

After 3 whole hours, my family and I finally left our house. It was already 7p.m. I thought to my self that we would definitely be late. And just our luck, there was a traffic jam along PIE. I got real scared.

Finally, we arrived at the car park of The Grand Hyatt Hotel, where the dinner was to be hosted. The time was 7.45p.m. " A little early don't you think?" to my family in a sarcastic way. But the weirdest thing was that the dinner had not even began. In fact, the dinner only started at 8.45p.m. Everyone at my table was literally STARVING to death. the wait was long but the food was delicious. I guess that was pretty obvious, since the hotel was a high class one.

Alas, the dinner came to an end. It was about 11p.m. when it ended. Furthermore, it was a school night.Worst still, the ending of the dinner meant that everyone was leaving for home, meaning that everyone who drove their car to the dinner would be leaving the car park. we got stuck in the congestion for over half an hour. We eventually made our way home.

Not having enough sleep for school and for training is bad. I almost slept through school. And training was exhausting as usual. But I knew that I only had another 3 months before the competition started. Nothing beats bringing your school to glory, therefore, I am ready to train hard and emerge victorious.

Well, that's enough for the day.

Bertram signing out. PEACE.

5:51 AM By Bert Lee
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ah! What A Day!
This is the first time I'm blogging!

Hello fellow 2G's, if you are visiting, let me say ' HELLO '.

This blog was created for the purpose of the English Blog Creation Project. It carries 50% of my CA1! I'd better and i mean BETTER do well for the bog project. And who knew that there would be so much to write about!

Waking up late is about the worst thing you could do. You'd often miss out on everything that happened in the morning. For example, I overslept, so my parents had to packet my breakfast for me, and boy, my Mum hates it when I don't go out for breakfast with her. So, she came home all angry with me. Making someone mad at the start of the day is a definite NO.

In the afternoon, my family and I went to Raffles City Shopping Centre to shop for clothes for an upcoming wedding dinner we were going to attend and we spent about the whole afternoon there. My Mum spent about 20 minutes in 1 shop. My Dad and I were forced to wait outside and it was AGONIZING. Then, it was my turn. I particularly DISLIKED picking my own clothes. It was often like this. I picked something i like but apparently my Mum doesn't.

As usual, i visited my uncle and auntie and my COUSINS! Often, when i visited them, i'd often find myself enjoying the time. But strange enough, I didn't really today. It maybe cause of 2 others cousins absent at the scene. Sad. But it was okay, since we would be meeting again on Wednesday, the wedding dinner of My Mum's cousin's daughter, so technically, my cousin too, I think.

Well, thats enough for today.

Bertram signing out. PEACE.

5:05 AM By Bert Lee